We’ve got three rides coming up. Please come and join us.
Veteran’s Day, November 11th. We’ll ride the backroads up to St. George and have lunch there, then ride home. (If time permits, we might ride back to town along the Lake. KSU 9 AM at the Iron Skillet next to the speedway.
Red Riderz Turkey Run (See Attachment) on Sunday the 20th We’ll meet 9:30 at the Eagle’s Aerie on Washington. (I might be a couple minutes late, so we’ll plan on being registered and leaving as a group around 10.)
Finally, my annual after Thanksgiving Ride. On Friday we’ll meet at the Speedway again at 10 and ride up to Sugar’s in Overton for lunch and back along the lake. (They were building a toll booth, so bring your park pass or cash in case they are charging at that end.)
Hope to see y’all soon.
Karl Gustafson
First Officer
Las Vegas SCRC
It’s about riding, friends and riding with friends.